Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Are you trying to lose weight?

Weight Loss!! The most trending topic these days.
We all have read so much on the internet about tips on loosing weight...
  • One ingredient to lose 10 Kgs in a week.
  • Do this 5 minutes exercise everyday to lose 5 Kgs in 2 days.
  • Lose weight in one week with this detox drink. 
And these statements go on and on.

Have you too been trapped in such an exclamation on social media or youtube? Very keenly seen the videos? Tried making these detox drinks, followed exercise routines, starved yourself and seen the scale dropping numbers but gaining all back as soon as you stop following all this? Or you felt weak while doing all this? Even worse, you lost numbers but not even an inch?
Was doing all this worth the effort? Was it even sustainable?

Keeping in mind all of the above, here's Clearing Out this one thing- WEIGHT LOSS IS A MYTH. The lines we read in the beginning, are all gimmiks stated to attract people like you and me.

There is NO such thing as loose weight and get in shape. 
Body weight is a combination of your body fat, essential fat, muscles, bones, fluids, organs and skin.
If you try going on a detox program, you are just going to lose weight through fluid loss and not body fat you actually had to be freed from. Might also result in a lot of muscle loss.
⏩ Next, you go for the 5 minutes exercise routine and you notice no change? Body composition is not improved with a 5 minutes routine but with proper nutrition, exercise and rest. These are the PILLARS of a fit individual and not just exercise of few minutes.

  • Your muscle mass plays a huge role in deciding your weight and whether you have more fat percentage or less.
           Because muscles are denser and more compact than fat.
           Therefore, a person with more muscle mass is bound to have more weight.
           In such a case you will notice the fat percentage being less in body, the person
           looking lean and toned.
  • On the other hand, fat being lighter than muscles, expands and takes larger space in the body. In this case, the person may not necessarily posses more weight. He/she may weigh much lighter due to light weight of adipose tissue (body fat) but leaves the person looking enlarged due to that loose and flabby skin hanging around.

Simplifying it further, 2 subjects for say 5 pounds each may have different sizes depending on more muscle or fat they are comprised of.
Refer the picture below for a better understanding↴

The first picture describes well about how much fat can there be in a 5 pound subject making it occupy more space and look loose as well as flabby.
Similarly, the 2nd picture tells clearly about how small a 5 pound subject can look if it has more muscle letting it occupy less space thereby giving it a firm, compact and a toned shape.

This clarifies one simple thing: Not to keep stepping the weighing scale when one tries to get fit. Infact, taking a meal plan to loose weight is no less than a stupidity. People take meal plans and within a few days step that scale to surprise themselves with the number drop if any. They might jump with joy if see a reduction or quit the plan being all depressed if see negligible change or an increase in weight. Hence, the target should be to lose the excess fat thereby getting fitter.

Concluding this, I leave it on you to decide - Now what do you wish to focus on.
Do you still want to lose weight??

1 comment:

  1. Well said !! Really very nice :) ��


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Are you trying to lose weight?