Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How not to Diet?

Let's talk about this trend we all have come across sometime in our lives - DIETING.
Now, this is something almost every individual be it a newbie or someone holding a bit experience of self body transformation in the past would jump over to share views on especially when it comes to loosing weight.
Are you also one of those who think you need to diet for a month or two or three... to loose weight?

  • Do you think that would be enough to get fit?
  • Is loosing weight equivalent to getting fit? 
  • What according to you is dieting? Isn't what we daily eat is a diet? Be it good OR bad (About which we'll talk later here). 
  • One more question, Can this thing Diet-ing be sustained forever, something that can lead to building a lifestyle? Take any fad diet for example Keto, Paleo etc etc Or you think you need to only diet for a couple of months and then get back to your normal routine? 

These are a few questions I want each one of you to ask yourself before you proceed further. Stop! Think! Then Read Ahead!

Let's understand one simple thing, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DIETING. 

If someone comes up to me asking for a meal plan TO LOOSE WEIGHT, 
> First thing I make him/her clear is to purchase a meal plan TO GET FIT, understand what mistakes one must have done in the past and ways to correct them so as to get the results i.e Getting Fit and not just loosing those pounds. 
> Secondly, I do give a plan but with an aim to make one understand the plan is not to be followed for 2 or 3 months or any other number, that's something to be adopted forever, first working on eating healthy, then sticking to it (developing a habit) and hence building a lifestyle. 

  • SO WHAT IT IS LIKE TO GET IN A MEAL PLAN?                                 Getting to eat complete food, not being exposed to starving or asked to eat tasteless food BECAUSE the focus should be on adopting a sustainable eating pattern.
"Following a meal plan is to follow a right kind of Nutrition or what we call
 the 'Normal Nutrition', that which the body wants.. to stay fit, energetic and disease free, that which the taste buds want.. to enjoy without getting to crave, and that which can be sustained, making it a lifestyle"

Here's something for you all to understand

As depicted above, you're supposed to opt for something that doesn't let you crave for taste, rather, lets you
 enjoy what you eat satiating yourself or in simple terms satisfying your hunger (Keeping you full for a considerable number of hours). 


Another thing I highlight here..
What you normally eat, Be it Good or Bad -  is a diet, WHATEVER YOU EAT forms a part of your diet, that is what is known as a HEALTHY or an UNHEALTHY DIET of a person.

So, regardless of what, bringing the same point again  You NEED NOT FOLLOW some magic diet to achieve a transformation, but, you surely need to IMPROVE YOUR REGULAR DIET so as to ACHIEVE that transformation SUSTAINING IT LIFELONG.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Introducing Sampurna Living.. Read On!!

Most of you must be thinking as to what introduction I would want to give here or why/ what would the name of this brand mean, so just before I start with my further posts, and share with you all the basic knowledge one should have about being fit, I want to tell something about this name SAMPURNA LIVING and how did it take its place.

To begin with, how Sampurna Living came into existence, being a Nutritionist very keen to help people around me with their nutrition and health, had built my profile on social media and was using the brains with all might to get a name as unique as possible. Thought a lot what could describe my thoughts, aim and dream, of developing a healthy lifestyle for a major health deprived population,  and then one fine day all of a sudden what struck me was this beauty and that moment made me feel nothing could be as apt as this to describe my work.

Now 'What does it mean ?' 'Why have I kept such a name ?' As asked by many of my clients..
Well in layman terms, Sampurna means nothing but Complete and Living Lifestyle.

Speaking about what would a Complete Lifestyle mean?

  • Complete (Sampurna) being complete in all respect; viz; medically and physically fit, being active and energetic, disease free, being mentally fit and spiritually connected, someone satisfied and happy from within, one who's optimistic and believes in spreading that optimism with so many needy around. C'mon, we all need to admit there's so much negativity we've felt in some way or the other, some daily news or some criticism or anything else random, but we have all gone through this at some point and we surely don't want that, rather, that little spark of positivity also gives happiness and satisfaction. And of course, that also forms a big big part of a person's health.                                                                                                                                                                 Am I Right or Am I Right?                                 Moving ahead though, 
  • Living (Lifestyle) simply put living such a lifestyle what generally people struggle with these days.
Concluding, Sampurna Living is a dream come true.                I wish to make people live a life healthy and disease free, develop habits they perceive as a lifestyle, last but not the least; make them understand what Food, Exercise and being Stress FREE is for the body.                                                                And, I'm working each day to move a step closer to achieving it.

Stay tuned as I come up with interesting posts, nutrition and health knack for ya'll soon.

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